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February 11, 2011



I have a slightly different view of the order of events, but what God says will happen will happen and it is my prayer that the fulfillment of God's Word will continue to draw many to the realization that the Bible is the Word of God.

I personally don't hold to a pre-trib rapture perspective. (http://www.watchmanbiblestudy.com/BibleStudies/Definitions/Pretrib.htm) My studies have led me to accept the pre-wrath viewpoint. (http://www.watchmanbiblestudy.com/BibleStudies/Definitions/Def_Prewrath.htm) I'm working to put together a better layout of the order as I see it, but you can see charts here: (http://www.watchmanbiblestudy.com/Resources/Charts.htm)

Daniel Wasserman

It would be just great if the temple is built soon. That would mean that the Antichrist would have arranged a treaty with Isreal. At approximately this time the Rapture would have taken place and the saved in the Church age caught up in the air to meet Jesus in the air. After three and a half years the treaty with Isreal will be broken. When the treaty is first signed with Isreal the Antichrist will persecute people and force them to serve him. For the next three and a half years when the treaty is broken the Antichrist will set himself up in the temple and call himself god. Anyone that does not allow his mark ( 666 )to be embossed on their right hand or forehead will be put to death. During this seven year period, which is known as the tribulation or the time of Jacob's trouble, God will call up 144000 Jewish evangelists to preach the Gospel of The Kingdom. Many Jews will believe In Jesus Christ and they will be saved.When the Gospel of the Kingdom was first preached by John the Baptist, and by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Jews rejected their Messiah ( Jesus ). This time many will accept HIM whom they have pierced.The last three and a half years will be a time of great suffering that will be worse than anything experienced before in the history of the World.Yes,worse than what Hitler or Stalin did.All the forces of Gog and Magog will assemble before Jerusalem to wage war against Israel. The battle of Armegeddon will take place and blood will flow in the valley of Meggido up to the horses bridles. The birds will feast on the bodies of rulers, generals and the forces of the Antichrist. When it looks like the end of Israel is near, the LORD Jesus Christ will descend from heaen with all the Saints ( believers) and will destroy the Antichrist and the forces of Gog and Magog.This event is known as the second advent of Christ. Christ will then judge the remaining nations. On the left will be the GOATS(unsaved and followers of the Antichrist)and on the right will be SHEEP ( these are the people who believed the Gospel preached by the 144000).The GOATS will be put to death and buried and their souls will be cast into Hades.The Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast into the LAKE OF FIRE ( Gehenna . This is the second death). Satan will be bound and cast into the bottomless pit.Christ will then set up the Millenium Kingdom ( a period of 1000 years )and will rule the world with an iron fist.The saints will rule with HIM.Shortly before the 1000 year reign by Christ is finished, Satan will be released from the pit,for a " season" and again human beings will be deceived by Satan and they will rebel against Christ.God will then destroy all the rebels with FIR from heaven. Here we see the infallability of man despite them having been ruled justly for a thousand years.The earth will then be destroyed by FIRE. Then follows the Great white Throne Judgement where all the unbelievers of all ages will be judged for their works and be cast into the Lake of Fire. This judgment does not take place on the Earth but somewhere in space. Finally all the SAVED will then enter the NEW Heaven and Earth for all eternity to be with GOD the FATHER and JESUS. We ( believers ) should therefore look forward to the building of the Temple.

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