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May 16, 2011


Ken Nansteel

I found your article here while searching through earth changes websites and I totally agree with you. I have been monitoring weather activity across the world, especially North America, for at least 2 years now, and weather patterns have changed dramatically and continue to change more and more rapidly as weeks and months go by.Right now I am giving it a 48 to 72 hour window of changing weather, and I believe information about our country's actual condition is being held down,quashed by federal agencies in order to hold back the population panic that WILL ensue as this situation worsens.And i am saying this as a person who knows he is absolutely in the wrong place at this time;THE CITY! it will be much worse in these areas.God Bless you for getting this message out and I hope thousands of people will come across this site and heed its dire but true message.

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