Palestinian Media Watch (Link) - Itamar Marcus (May 1, 2011)
Holocaust desecration, denial and abuse are all components of Palestinian Authority ideology and discourse.
Palestinian Media Watch has reported on the ongoing PA libel that Israel imitates the Nazis by intentionally causing prisoners’ “slow death.” The latest of these libels is that Israel attempts to “imitate the German Nazis... use prisoners as guinea pigs, for testing the weapons and the deadly drugs... The Nazi German doctor, Josef Mengele, was the most famous among them.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2011]
Last month the PA repeated this same libel, that ““Israeli doctors also carry out medical experiments on prisoners,” adding that “there are [Israeli] prisons which fall under the military administration... They resemble the detention camps during the Nazi period.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011]
PMW has recently reported on Palestinian opposition to Holocaust education in PA schools because, according to the PA daily, “for more than 60 years [the Holocaust] has aroused a great amount of controversy and fabrication.” PMW also recently reported that UNRWA workers are “adamantly opposed” to teaching about the Holocaust because it will “confuse the thinking” of children.
The PA has a long history of Holocaust abuse. In the past, a PA TV children’s broadcast taught that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens, and PA schoolbooks erase the history of the Holocaust. Children are taught about Nazi racism and the Nuremberg Trials but are not taught that Jews were the object of the racism or what the Nazi crimes were.
The following are the latest Holocaust-related libels from the official PA daily:
“‘Slow death’ [is] the Israeli system for exterminating prisoners... [There is] an entire system called ‘slow death,’ which the Israeli establishment uses against Palestinian prisoners, from the moment of their arrest until they are released... The ‘experiments’ station is perhaps one of the most dangerous stations in the slow death of released prisoners, who suffer from diseases which they contracted in prison. Since the Israeli jailers attempt to imitate the German Nazis, who were the first to use prisoners as guinea pigs, for testing the weapons and the deadly drugs which they developed. The Nazi German doctor, Josef Mengele, was the most famous among them.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2011]
“Israeli doctors also carry out medical experiments on prisoners... There are prisons which fall under the military administration - in other words, [they are] directly under the army, and soldiers armed with weapons from head to toe are spread out among them. Often these soldiers shoot live ammunition at detainees; this has led to the injury and Martyr-deaths of many. These prisons are detention camps dotted with tents, with each group of tents forming a wing, surrounded on all sides by a fence and guards who are armed with weapons from head to toe. They resemble the detention camps during the Nazi period.” [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 15, 2011] †